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The Associazione Culturale Ricreativa Santa Maria del Ponte is a non-profit association. It was founded in the late 1980s with the aim of:
preserve and disseminate Santa Maria del Ponte's historical-artistic-literary cultural heritage through events, mass media, social media channels, et cetera;
avoid depopulation and abandonment of the village;
raise awareness of the rediscovery and conservation of traditions;
protect the village's natural landscape;
organize activities for adults and children in order to provide a pleasant experience when staying in the village;
arrange trips and excursions in the neighboring areas.
How to join us:
The annual membership fee is €10. Anyone wishing to be a part of this Association can join. The fee allows you to attend meetings, receive emails and updates on the Association's activities. Membership status may lapse due to voluntary resignation or due to default in payment of the membership fee. The payment of the fee can be made either by bank/postal transfer or in person at the Association's seat.​​
Contact us
Physical address: Fraz. Santa Maria del Ponte, 67020 Tione degli Abruzzi (L'Aquila), Italy
E-mail address:
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A small village, a warm hospitality
The small village of Santa Maria del Ponte (558 m a.s.l.) is an enchanting place located in the middle valley of the Aterno River, within the Sirente Velino Regional Natural Park, about 30 km from the city of L'Aquila, and not far from Sulmona, in the Abruzzo Region. Santa Maria del Ponte, initially included in the Municipality of Fontecchio, has been part of the Municipality of Tione degli Abruzzi since 1954.
It is rich in history, art, culture, with a remarkable landscape-naturalistic heritage where you can spend short stays away from everyday stress and chaos.
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Programme of events
Year 2025
17/01 - Feast of Saint Anthony the Abot (7pm)
Presidential Decree No 913/1954 - Detachment of the village of Santa Maria del Ponte from the Fontecchio Municipality and its aggregation with Tione degli Abruzzi Municipality;jsessionid=g2WKmt2yd9vBEkGsHS0r0A__.ntc-as2-guri2b?atto.dataPubblicazioneGazzetta=1954-10-06&atto.codiceRedazionale=054U0913&tipoSerie=serie_generale&tipoVigenza=originario
Emigration and surroundings - Giovanni Titta Rosa and Massimo Lelj: two writers from Abruzzo born in the same Municipality of the Aterno Valley
Sightseeing - From the top of Monte di Prato Castellano the view opens onto the Piana di Navelli, and with a pleasant walk you can reach the small village of Bominaco known for its Benedictine abbey including the Church of Santa Maria Assunta with the Oratory of Saint Pellegrino (famous as the Cappella Sistina d'Abruzzo) and the turreted castle
​January 7th, 1972 - 7 January 7th, 2022: 50th Anniversary of Titta Rosa's death
Recipe for a typical Abruzzo Easter patisserie
The Subequana Valley was traversed by St. Francis of Assisi between 1216 and 1222, as documented by the Saint's two main biographers (Thomas of Celano and St. Bonaventure)
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